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Coco Republic Property Styling Warehouse Sale

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I might get there tomorrow for a sticky beak. I really have zero spare cash at the moment.

Maybe I'd better buy that Tattslotto ticket...
I got the email too and was considering going except Im working, and dont have a house, and dont have money, and would be shot if I did manage to go and bought something.

But Im interested in hearing from those who went, might go next year!
I got the email too and was considering going except Im working, and dont have a house, and dont have money, and would be shot if I did manage to go and bought something.

So, what's stopping you from going, Bam?

Maybe you can get away from work early - it's just round the corner, really....
Well seeing as i havent got much to do tomorrow i just might go, will also have to leave the wallet in the car
I might see if I can get out there tomorrow. Have GPS will travel.
Even though I do seem to get targeted on the road as I still have my ACT plates on! lol
I visited it today but nothing surprise...
I visited it today but nothing surprise...

What surprises were you expecting, Kikin...?
What was out there? Any good deals?
How was it???

We've been to Suite Deals in Richmond a few times and that's quite good for ex-display home furniture. We go some BARGAINS!
I visited it today but nothing surprise...

What surprises were you expecting, Kikin...?

I was expecting it would be a large bargain sale but it is not...hehe
I seriously wouldn't bother to go there I was there at 9am opening -was out of there in 5 minutes. Most of it was rubbish odds and ends - wasn't much there anyway and anything that was anywhere near acceptable- desirable - interesting -was grossly overpriced and represented little value. People who were buying there today were paying no less than you could get quality furniture from elsewhere in fact they were probably paying more under the guise they were saving "huge" dollars.
It really annoys me when companies pull these " wharehouse sales" and most of it is crap or still overpriced normal stock.
Thanks for the tip Rowan, I won't waste my fuel going all the way over there then. I'll stick to Frogs and fantastic

I seriously wouldn't bother to go there I was there at 9am opening -was out of there in 5 minutes. Most of it was rubbish odds and ends - wasn't much there anyway and anything that was anywhere near acceptable- desirable - interesting -was grossly overpriced and represented little value. People who were buying there today were paying no less than you could get quality furniture from elsewhere in fact they were probably paying more under the guise they were saving "huge" dollars.
It really annoys me when companies pull these " wharehouse sales" and most of it is crap or still overpriced normal stock.
I seriously wouldn't bother to go there I was there at 9am opening -was out of there in 5 minutes. Most of it was rubbish odds and ends - wasn't much there anyway and anything that was anywhere near acceptable- desirable - interesting -was grossly overpriced and represented little value. People who were buying there today were paying no less than you could get quality furniture from elsewhere in fact they were probably paying more under the guise they were saving "huge" dollars.
It really annoys me when companies pull these " wharehouse sales" and most of it is crap or still overpriced normal stock.

My guess is that anything of true value had already been snagged by company "friends and family" before the sale
I seriously wouldn't bother to go there I was there at 9am opening -was out of there in 5 minutes. Most of it was rubbish odds and ends

I couldn't agree more. It took me a minute to browse, and two minutes to walk back to the car.

Save your petrol money people
Bugger! Although on the brightside I don't need to get out of my PJ's now
Bugger! Although on the brightside I don't need to get out of my PJ's now

Lisa... our priorities in life are so similar!
Bugger! Although on the brightside I don't need to get out of my PJ's now

Me too!
Might stay in my pjs all day...

Actually, I thought Suite Deals was a waste of time, the one time I went - good thing I was going to Richmond for something else that day anyway. Those places can have some bargains, but the stock changes all the time, and you have to be there at juuuuust the right moment to find what you want. The day I was there, the only "bargains" I saw were badly damaged items.
If I'd been in serious need of furniture, I'd have just crossed the road to Plush or Nick Scali.

Although their vases and pictures and decorative bits and pieces were pretty cheap. But then, you can find that stuff in $2 shops too.....

Maybe I'll get dressed anyway and go visit display homes. I can dream....
I'm still in my PJ's and just had a very nice omlette hmmmmm Think I might put off paying my deposit until tomorrow and stay doing this all day Zzzzzzz
Ooh Eljay, an omelette....I love omelettes. Might have to whip one up for second breakfast...
Actually, I thought Suite Deals was a waste of time, the one time I went

Agree!! They have all the modular couches etc but I don't want one of them! I work about 5 mins from there so once I'm in my place if I'm wanting a vase or a picture or something I might pop in on a lunch break, but I wouldn't expect to find any furniture there that I would want. If I had gone out of my way I would have been disappointed.
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