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Anyone else waiting for their Kleenmaid Products?

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Sarzy, I have spent the day trawling most of the appliance websites and writing down dimensions and comparing them to our products just in case my builder won't let us change the cabinetry.

One positive is that the Kleenmaid appliances seem to be standard dimensions. I found a number of alternatives from other manufacturers that will fit in our holes if they remain as signed off on. I hope this helps.

None of us need cabinetry alterations costs on top of everything else. I'm already having visions of the cats enjoying all the holes in the appliance tower until I can actually afford appliances to go in them!
Sarzy - not exactly the same dimensions but Falcon ranges come in 1100mm - I have one in storage and are only around $800 from Winning Appliances and other stockists. ... opies.html
A couple of thoughts come to mind:

1) Don't pay a deposit. Only pay after the goods have been received. (Is this possible?)
2) If a company offers you a free $1400 holiday in exchange for a delay or to get them off your back translate "free holiday" (or simialr) to "just letting you know we're about to go bust!"
Jo - Glad that you found some alternatives. I guess I can always put some cook books in the coffee machine hole unless my cat also likes the look of it!. Need to research if any other built in coffee machines will fit.

Kyton - thanks for the info on the rangehood, will take a look, sounds like a good possibility.

Casa - yep you are right about not paying ahead but Kleenmaid have/ had fantastic sales ppl who give you great deals if you purchase on the day. I seriously did not think in my wildest dreams that these guys would go into liquidation!!

Oh, I had such great hopes for my coffee machine..... Damn it.. Lucky I wasn't able to talk my Dh into a steamer too I spose.
Sarzy, we didn't buy a coffee machine, but on my trawling... I think the Miele and Blanco were the same specs for the coffee machine. Don't quote me on that though.
My jaw dropped today when a friend called to tell me the news about Kleenmaid. Since January I have been purchasing and paying off an oven, induction cooktop, steam oven and range hood (approx $10k), with plans to have them delivered next month. From what I've read on various AAP posts that're propagating on Good Friday, I'm an unsecured creditor and I will receive no refund nor goods. Talk about a kick to the guts.

Only hope is that the purchases were made on a VISA platinum card, so my next efforts will be to see what buyer protection is available in these circumstances
I have checked my statements and reciepts. I paid with a VISA debit card. I don't believe in credit cards
... I only spend what I have. Am I offered any protection with a VISA debit card?
Does anyone know what level of protection I have?
I have checked my statements and reciepts. I paid with a VISA debit card. I don't believe in credit cards
... I only spend what I have. Am I offered any protection with a VISA debit card?
Does anyone know what level of protection I have?

Visa should treat it like a 'normal' visa transaction, I have one of them too
All is not lost then!
Joles - this link is about Visa Debit cards in Australia, not sure whether it helps or confuses more but ... fits.shtml
sorry to tell everyone concerned but kleenmaid are 67 million in debt & everyone will loose everything.

All deposits will be lost & those waiting for delivery appliances will be lost.

This really stinks . All warranties will not be covered either. Hope my appliances don't break down.

I received this info straight from internal office memo
I'm back form my night away, and not to good news by the looks of it.

Oh well not much use getting cranky about it, nothing we can do. We did call the Fortitude Valley store this morning and were told there was nothing they could do, the gave us a 1300 number to call the head office on Tuesday morning. I am wondering what happened to our appliances that were to be delieverd on Tuesday, were they called back my Kleenmaid? All of a sudden the fact that I was contacted on the 25th March and strongly advised to take delivery of my stove and rangehood asap doesn't seem like a coincidence. I have a feeling the lady knew what was going to happen.

I received this info straight from internal office memo

Oh dear! I wonder how long they have known for? Would they have known when we bought our appliances?

I know there are worse things that can happen, but like joles and many others I am sure, we cannot afford this loss. We bought our items at the end of December when there was an up to 30% off sale. We were so pleased that we had saved the money to be able to purchase them outright.

I know we will be ok, I feel for the 150 people that don't have a job to go to.

All of a sudden the fact that I was contacted on the 25th March and strongly advised to take delivery of my stove and rangehood asap doesn't seem like a coincidence. I have a feeling the lady knew what was going to happen.

Sure sounds like she knew they were going down. The whole situation sucks. I'm so sorry that this has happened to everyone. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Judie, that you are so offering of support for our situation, which is nothing in comparison to what you have been through with your builder, speaks volumes about you.
And also reminds me about why I joined this on-line community in the first place.
Thank you.

I sometimes can't fathom the motives behind companies that do this to people....absolutely shocking and heartbreaking
. I know its an oven or microwave etc and things could be so much worse...but I am guessing these purchases meant alot to the people that bought them ...imagining cooking yummy food, how it will look stunning in their kitchen....not to mention the $$$ and sensible purchases when sales were on and the thought and energy that went into purchasing the products. I can't offer much else, but when I read what was going on my heart broke on your behalf
I love to cook, so I would be devastated

What is inspiring though, is seeing the attitude that the people affected have tackle it with genuine spirit and offering mutual support. Amazing
This is also why I log onto Homeone everyday to witness the true kindness of human nature when the chips are down...
Judie, that you are so offering of support for our situation, which is nothing in comparison to what you have been through with your builder, speaks volumes about you

I am unaware what you have been through, but would like to also thank you knowing that Jo is familiar with what happened.

I know its an oven or microwave etc and things could be so much worse...but I am guessing these purchases meant alot to the people that bought them ...imagining cooking yummy food, how it will look stunning in their kitchen....not to mention the $$$ and sensible purchases when sales were on and the thought and energy that went into purchasing the product

It was a very big decision for us to spend that kind of money, we are about to spend abouit $140k on our home and we are a one income family with 2 young children. We have been living with one bathroom and a very pink kitchen for 6 years in the hope of one day undertaking this extension. I also love to cook which is why we chose to spend the money we did for something I would be using everyday. There is a 15 year old Kleenmaid oven in this house now and I just love it, i didn't want to compromise on that with a different brand.

It totally sucks and we are upset but the reality is that they are only material things that can be replaced.

Thanks everyone for your support, it is appreciated.
my sympathys to everyone who got caught up in this mess....hard to see who you can go with now days

Lifted from the Australian website

THE Kleenmaid kitchen and laundry appliance empire -- founded by a washing machine repair man almost 25 years ago -- has been swept into administration owing $67 million.

Administrators said yesterday up to 150 staff had been made redundant, with Kleenmaid's 20 stores nationwide -- which included 15 franchises -- to close their doors.

"There is no intention to order any more stock from manufacturers or suppliers in the future," said Deloitte administrator John Greig.

According to Deloitte, trade and secured creditors were owed $40 million with customers who had paid deposits for products, but not yet received them, owed a further $27 million.

Kevin Rudd yesterday called for the nation to support those people who have lost their jobs in the economic downturn.

"This is a tough time for many Australians, a really tough time," the Prime Minister said. "It's a time for all Australians to gather round and support those who have lost their jobs or are in danger of losing their jobs."

Kleenmaid, which sold high-end imported whitegoods, is based in Maroochydore on Queensland's Sunshine Coast.

The group was founded in 1985 by then washing machine repairman Andrew Young, who claimed to be appalled by the quality of local washing machines at the time.

Company searches reveal Kleenmaid is owned by three separate companies, ultimately controlled by Mr Young, Richard England -- who was a founding director of the group -- and their wives.

Brad Young, understood to be Mr Young's brother and a sales manager of the group, resigned as Kleenmaid secretary on January 8.

One Sydney-based Kleenmaid franchisee told 2GB's Ray Hadley he bought the franchise in November last year, and became suspicious about the financial health of the group in December. "I'm probably down $270,000 plus expenses," he said.

"I've heard nothing verbally from them since November ... we still have not got official notification (of the collapse)."

Mr Greig said customers who had paid deposits for goods not yet received would be regarded as unsecured creditors.

"Unfortunately, Kleenmaid will not be in a position to honour any existing warranties," Mr Greig said.

He said that, of Kleenmaid's 150 staff, about 25 would be contacted this weekend to return to the group to "provide assistance with the administration process" and to field inquiries.
How can a company get so in debt?!? It just shocks me.
I have checked my statements and reciepts. I paid with a VISA debit card. I don't believe in credit cards
... I only spend what I have. Am I offered any protection with a VISA debit card?
Does anyone know what level of protection I have?

Visa should treat it like a 'normal' visa transaction, I have one of them too

All is not lost then!

not trying to bring doom and gloom to anyone - but from the sunday mail

Mr Young was surrounded by the other customers but stayed calm as he spoke to them outside the building.

He wrote down the personal details of each customer and told them that if they had paid their deposit by credit card they would get a full refund - a claim not backed up by credit card companies contacted by The Sunday Mail.

On the topic of visa debit cards - isn't it your money not theirs?
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