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24 December 2023
Dec 24, 2023 9:31 am
My home office is hot with computer equipment running virtually 18 hours a day. When it gets unbearably warm I simply step out of my door into the living area which is cool. I have a fan running in my office but not much improvement. Trying to avoid running the a/c just to cool down my office, measu...
My home office is hot with computer equipment running virtually 18 hours a day. When it gets unbearably warm I simply st...
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24 December 2023
Dec 24, 2023 9:15 am
I have a 2 year old house with colorbond roof. When I moved in I thought summer will be hot and thought of installing an inline fan system. I have the standard anticon, batts and 2 whirlys. After 2 summers it is a relief that my house is cool and rarely I used the a/c. Anyways, I would have installe...
I have a 2 year old house with colorbond roof. When I moved in I thought summer will be hot and thought of installing an...
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15 December 2022
Dec 15, 2022 7:57 am
This sounds redundant. Where would the ducting be drawing hot air from? Good question, have not thought about that. I have air vents under eaves if that makes a difference.
Good question, have not thought about that. I have air vents under eaves if that makes a difference.
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14 December 2022
Dec 14, 2022 8:11 pm
I have seen a youtube video awhile ago about a home owner installing an inline exhaust fan to cool his roof. I was thinking if I could install an inline fan and connect a flexible duct to terminate somewhere just under my whirlybird. The idea is to switch it on very hot days. I do not care about wea...
I have seen a youtube video awhile ago about a home owner installing an inline exhaust fan to cool his roof. I was think...
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16 June 2022
Jun 16, 2022 1:17 pm
Hi, I plan to create an attic storage for my new single storey house and looking to hire an engineer to provide advice. I have already done some preliminary work such as installed an aluminium attic ladder and screwed the following across bottom chords - a plywood sheet 2400x1200x17mm, MDF board 242...
Hi, I plan to create an attic storage for my new single storey house and looking to hire an engineer to provide advice. ...
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30 January 2021
Jan 30, 2021 7:11 am
Here is a picture of our bench: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-T3QUhuCPyJ0/TyCYEPsTsGI/AAAAAAAABQI/2wwXciIa_88/s512/IMG_00043.jpg (Changed the image link, hopefully this one works...) Thanks, your picture provided solution to my problem!!
Thanks, your picture provided solution to my problem!!
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17 January 2021
Jan 17, 2021 9:30 am
Hi all, I bought a used VICTA straight shaft TTS2226AB trimmer. Works fine but the carby could do with a service. It is getting harder to start and motor to remain running while using. I just changed a new spark plug hoping this will fix it but no. I could either send it for professional servicing f...
Hi all, I bought a used VICTA straight shaft TTS2226AB trimmer. Works fine but the carby could do with a service. It is ...
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18 October 2020
Oct 18, 2020 7:27 pm
We did our own carpet and underlay (mainly because I used to work at carpetcall so worked out a good deal) and got really plush carpet and upgraded underlay.. I honestly recommend it, you can really notice the difference and carpeted areas are usually used quite a lot. But that is just my opinion. ...
Thanks but which to put more money on? Carpet or underlay? A mix of both IMO mate. Upgraded underlay has extra benefits...
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18 October 2020
Oct 18, 2020 10:15 am
We did our own carpet and underlay (mainly because I used to work at carpetcall so worked out a good deal) and got really plush carpet and upgraded underlay.. I honestly recommend it, you can really notice the difference and carpeted areas are usually used quite a lot. But that is just my opinion. ...
Thanks but which to put more money on? Carpet or underlay?
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17 October 2020
Oct 17, 2020 6:46 pm
It certainly looks like they have added an extra layer of wall (framing or brick) to provide the recess. You don't need to so maybe check if that's how they do it. What state are you in? I am in NSW. Do you mean a recessed shower niche can be built into a normal wall and a false wall is not needed?...
I am in NSW. Do you mean a recessed shower niche can be built into a normal wall and a false wall is not needed? Yep. Y...
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17 October 2020
Oct 17, 2020 4:55 pm
It certainly looks like they have added an extra layer of wall (framing or brick) to provide the recess. You don't need to so maybe check if that's how they do it. What state are you in? I am in NSW. Do you mean a recessed shower niche can be built into a normal wall and a false wall is not needed?
I am in NSW. Do you mean a recessed shower niche can be built into a normal wall and a false wall is not needed?
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17 October 2020
Oct 17, 2020 4:32 pm
Hi, I am undecided if I want a free recessed shower niche as a standard inclusion. Reason is I visited a show house and looks like there is a false wall (red arrow in pic) to accommodate the recessed shower niche. So that means if there is no shower niche, there won't be a false wall. Am I correct? ...
Hi, I am undecided if I want a free recessed shower niche as a standard inclusion. Reason is I visited a show house and ...
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17 October 2020
Oct 17, 2020 7:01 am
With a set budget, I am not sure if I should allocate more towards carpet or underlay. Can anyone share their views? Cheers
With a set budget, I am not sure if I should allocate more towards carpet or underlay. Can anyone share their views? Che...
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3 October 2020
Oct 03, 2020 11:07 pm
I am thinking of a POE system with 8 cameras for my single storey house. Any idea where best to mount each camera? I think 2 front, 2 rear, 2 on left side of house and 2 on right side. Any insights appreciated.
I am thinking of a POE system with 8 cameras for my single storey house. Any idea where best to mount each camera? I thi...
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2 August 2020
Aug 02, 2020 8:17 pm
Nope - just a 2 per room approach How many watts or lumen per your LED?
How many watts or lumen per your LED?
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2 August 2020
Aug 02, 2020 4:59 pm
We kept it simple - 2 in each bedroom, 2 in each dining, living, kitchen + pendant over island, media, rumpus. 1 in study laundry and hallway Do you use lumen per square meter approach?
Do you use lumen per square meter approach?
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2 August 2020
Aug 02, 2020 10:18 am
Hello, I am trying to draft a LED layout plan for a single storey house. I have been using lectory's online calculator but find it too simplistic. Does anyone know of a better free online planning tool?
Hello, I am trying to draft a LED layout plan for a single storey house. I have been using lectory's online calculator b...
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