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12 August 2021
Aug 12, 2021 12:02 pm
Hi Zillah The image link doesn't work. Can you try to fix that so we can see the error? Have you tried setting up the app on another phone and connecting from there? If the air-conditioner is connected to your wifi and you don't have any other firewall restrictions, it should work easily. Have you s...
Hi Zillah The image link doesn't work. Can you try to fix that so we can see the error? Have you tried setting up the ap...
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16 March 2021
Mar 16, 2021 11:53 am
Install some peel n stick acoustic panels Invite neighbours over for a cuppa and explain that their noisy antics aren't conducive to a healthy neighbourly relationship. Ask them to install dampers in their drawers and cupboards to soften the noises upon closing them.
Install some peel n stick acoustic panels Invite neighbours over for a cuppa and explain that their noisy antics aren't ...
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16 March 2021
Mar 16, 2021 11:50 am
Can't you set that room up as a separate zone in your ducted system? Then you can switch off the zone if you're using the air con heater in the winter. Other options: * fan forced vent on the door * extractor fan in the ceiling of wall, venting to outside
Can't you set that room up as a separate zone in your ducted system? Then you can switch off the zone if you're using th...
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15 March 2021
Mar 15, 2021 10:32 am
I understand your frustration :) having recently just built, my recommendation is to stay focused during this planning and design phase, and seek out multiple experts for advice. It will pay dividends and save on project variations or expensive renovations later.
I understand your frustration having recently just built, my recommendation is to stay focused during this planning and ...
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15 March 2021
Mar 15, 2021 10:11 am
I think it depends on which wall it is and how much sun you get on that side. If it's Eastern wall, you're going to get morning sun and if there's plenty of windows there, the heat will transfer indoors a fair bit. Same for the Western wall in the afternoon.
I think it depends on which wall it is and how much sun you get on that side. If it's Eastern wall, you're going to get ...
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15 March 2021
Mar 15, 2021 8:03 am
Better off ensuring there's sufficient insulation in walls, ceilings and roofs. External walls are usually insulated by default but internal walls aren't, unless your builder has included it or you've added it as an option. Consider a light colour roof to minimise heat conduction, and also speak to ...
Better off ensuring there's sufficient insulation in walls, ceilings and roofs. External walls are usually insulated by ...
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15 March 2021
Mar 15, 2021 7:59 am
Why don't you install the gate at the beginning of your property? You won't need front property's approval. I'm suggesting this because it appears he doesn't want a gate. If you install it on your property, you can do as you like.
Why don't you install the gate at the beginning of your property? You won't need front property's approval. I'm suggesti...
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24 January 2021
Jan 24, 2021 1:36 pm
Hi @indo26slate did you solve this gap issue? I'm in the same boat.
Hi @indo26slate did you solve this gap issue? I'm in the same boat.
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15 January 2021
Jan 15, 2021 3:40 pm
I believe it is at least 1.5m, but I don't have a standard to reference for this. It has to do with the distance between water, electrical and gas connection points. Happy to be corrected!
I believe it is at least 1.5m, but I don't have a standard to reference for this. It has to do with the distance between...
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10 January 2021
Jan 10, 2021 9:02 pm
Thanks. I'm also quite interested in Ikea sliding blinds for my large 3m wide sliding doors. IKEA seem quite reasonably priced. Anyone here used them and have feedback to share?
Thanks. I'm also quite interested in Ikea sliding blinds for my large 3m wide sliding doors. IKEA seem quite reasonably ...
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10 January 2021
Jan 10, 2021 3:23 pm
I'm keen to know more about this too. Anyone?
I'm keen to know more about this too. Anyone?
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9 January 2021
Jan 09, 2021 8:27 pm
Hi Moe Are you going with a large volume builder or an independent builder? Cost and flexibility vary widely between them, the latter usually offers more flexibility in designs and options, which gets you what you want, but may work out more costly. Things you might save on are getting your own tra...
Thanks so much for responding, I was thinking of.n independent builder but also was hoping for a list for all newbies l...
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9 January 2021
Jan 09, 2021 7:59 pm
Hi Moe Are you going with a large volume builder or an independent builder? Cost and flexibility vary widely between them, the latter usually offers more flexibility in designs and options, which gets you what you want, but may work out more costly. Things you might save on are getting your own trad...
Hi Moe Are you going with a large volume builder or an independent builder? Cost and flexibility vary widely between the...
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7 November 2020
Nov 07, 2020 10:28 pm
It looks like WIR2 and WIL are above the laundry so I'd be considering one of those to locate the top of the chute. Have you got a fixed location in the laundry for where the bottom of the chute will be?
It looks like WIR2 and WIL are above the laundry so I'd be considering one of those to locate the top of the chute. Have...
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5 November 2020
Nov 05, 2020 9:50 pm
This depends on the material used for cladding. If its vinyl with a foam backing, you'll find it behaves like insulation and keeps the house cool in summer and warm in winter. But there's more to thermal control than just your cladding. Think of double roof insulation, the type of bricks used, etc. ...
This depends on the material used for cladding. If its vinyl with a foam backing, you'll find it behaves like insulation...
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4 November 2020
Nov 03, 2020 11:08 pm
There are a couple of options: 1) Remove the bulkhead and install a new bulkhead with the sliding track built into it. Needs to be robust enough to handle the weight of the doors, so the bulkhead will need to be reinforced witt braces. 2) Keep the current bulkhead and install a barn door sliding tra...
There are a couple of options: 1) Remove the bulkhead and install a new bulkhead with the sliding track built into it. N...
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2 November 2020
Nov 02, 2020 10:49 pm
Given the tile pattern, I'd suggest you keep the kickboard a plain colour. Either white, or the cabinet colour. If your tile did not have such a detailed pattern, I'd suggest going the tile route.
Given the tile pattern, I'd suggest you keep the kickboard a plain colour. Either white, or the cabinet colour. If your ...
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28 October 2020
Oct 28, 2020 8:02 pm
Hi @poohbear, we're also building a Sahara and keen to see some landscaping ideas. Have you got pics of your front and back? (I know this thread is old, but most of the old photosnaren't loading for me). Thanks!
Hi @poohbear, we're also building a Sahara and keen to see some landscaping ideas. Have you got pics of your front and b...
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28 October 2020
Oct 28, 2020 7:39 pm
Hey @stayxtrue have you got any photos of your front yard and landscaping? We're also a building a Sahara in Brisbane and keen to see ideas.
Hey @stayxtrue have you got any photos of your front yard and landscaping? We're also a building a Sahara in Brisbane an...
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22 October 2020
Oct 22, 2020 7:16 pm
My guess is that they caulked the top edges to prevent water dripped down those sides as they're probably harder to clean, given the positioning. If your bathtub is moveable and you are confident you'll be able to clean all around it, then speak to your builder about removing the caulking.
My guess is that they caulked the top edges to prevent water dripped down those sides as they're probably harder to clea...
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