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22 August 2021
Aug 22, 2021 6:15 pm
OP here! Thank you for all the great replies. Your input was much appreciated as I am a complete novice when it comes to buying a home! I am happy to report that in the year and a half since writing the original post, I have received the inheritance and also a pay rise. I found myself a great morgag...
OP here! Thank you for all the great replies. Your input was much appreciated as I am a complete novice when it comes to...
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8 February 2020
Feb 08, 2020 3:24 pm
Might be completely off the cards, but are you tied to NSW? You could easily buy a 3 bedroom house outright with no mortgage in other states with around 350k Do your circumstances allow you to move to a cheaper area or even another State? Cheaper doesn't always mean nastier and there are numerous b...
Unfortunately, due to shared care arrangements with the children's father, I am tied to this area. Fortunately, I absol...
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8 February 2020
Feb 08, 2020 3:21 pm
So we aren’t talking personal circumstances here - but the respondents are pretty spot on.... Equity (your deposit) And your ability to repay a loan Are two completely different animals. And the lenders are being closely monitored for the sizes of loans they give and whether people have the ability...
Thank you so much for your lengthy response; it is much appreciated. With Centrelink benefits and child support that ta...
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6 February 2020
Feb 06, 2020 7:57 pm
Serviceability is the no. 1 item lenders look at these days. With 3 kids and 40k per year unfortunately won't be able to get any meaningful loan amt at all. Even though I *might* have a 400,000 deposit? I currently pay $500 in rent per week and have done so for nearly 2 years. I would want mortgage...
Even though I *might* have a 400,000 deposit? I currently pay $500 in rent per week and have done so for nearly 2 years...
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6 February 2020
Feb 06, 2020 7:48 pm
Serviceability is the no. 1 item lenders look at these days. With 3 kids and 40k per year unfortunately won't be able to get any meaningful loan amt at all. Even though I *might* have a 400,000 deposit? I currently pay $500 in rent per week and have done so for nearly 2 years. I would want mortgage...
Even though I *might* have a 400,000 deposit? I currently pay $500 in rent per week and have done so for nearly 2 years...
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6 February 2020
Feb 06, 2020 7:16 pm
Hei hei! Any fellow Scandinavians here? I am originally from Norway. I love Scandinavian homes, and I would love to replicate the same feel in a home here. I am not necessarily talking about the contemporary, sleek Scandi vibe, but more traditional country/costal architecture and interior design. So...
Hei hei! Any fellow Scandinavians here? I am originally from Norway. I love Scandinavian homes, and I would love to repl...
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6 February 2020
Feb 06, 2020 6:56 pm
Hi all. My apologies in advance for my limited understanding of everything related to home ownership. This is like a foreign world to me. :) I am looking for any enlightenment on the following: In short; I am a single parent (with 3 dependants) on a low income - less than $40,000 annually. However, ...
Hi all. My apologies in advance for my limited understanding of everything related to home ownership. This is like a for...
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6 February 2020
Feb 06, 2020 6:13 pm
Greetings, all! I am a single mum, living and loving life in Newcastle. :) I am originally from Norway, but have spent the last 14 years in Australia. It looks like I might become a first home owner this year, and I am beyond excited about the prospect! Hence, why I have joined this forum. I am look...
Greetings, all! I am a single mum, living and loving life in Newcastle. I am originally from Norway, but have spent the ...
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