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Beveridge, Victoria
Joined 13 December 2015
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6 March 2016
Mar 06, 2016 6:54 pm
Hey Snyde, Been a while since I last checked out your progress but looks great! You're about the same stage we are with ours! BTW, the missing tiles on the bath hob is so they can cut a hole in the plaster and connect the waste. I questioned the same thing with ours. Cheers Matt
Hey Snyde, Been a while since I last checked out your progress but looks great! You're about the same stage we are with ...
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28 January 2016
Jan 28, 2016 8:33 am
Na driveway and flooring we're doing ourselves.. though they are doing our splashback. Are you getting a mirror splashback or something put in? What kind of driveway are you guys doing with? We got our driveway included in a promotion but paid to upgrade to exposed aggregate as we didn't like the c...
What kind of driveway are you guys doing with? We got our driveway included in a promotion but paid to upgrade to expos...
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27 January 2016
Jan 27, 2016 8:29 am
Awesome! We were out there late yesterday afternoon and were surprised at just how many sites had tradies working (including yours)! Has your SS given you an approximate move in timeframe yet? Ours reckons late March but were banking on early April just in case there are delays given we still have a...
Awesome! We were out there late yesterday afternoon and were surprised at just how many sites had tradies working (inclu...
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17 January 2016
Jan 17, 2016 12:11 pm
hi guys, i saw the picture of your data box. is that your NBN connection? Thanks cs Hi cs, The estate is wired for fibre optics by OptiComm which is similar to the original NBN fibre-to-the-home, but completely independent from it. The network also carries both free-to-air and pay-tv signals meanin...
Hi cs, The estate is wired for fibre optics by OptiComm which is similar to the original NBN fibre-to-the-home, but com...
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15 January 2016
Jan 15, 2016 8:20 am
We saw one of these in a display home in Mernda I think and had no idea what it was. Apparantly we completely freaked the sales agent when we activated it as the vacuum unit was in a cupboard right behind her head!!!
We saw one of these in a display home in Mernda I think and had no idea what it was. Apparantly we completely freaked th...
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22 December 2015
Dec 22, 2015 11:58 am
Awesome! Looks great guys! We were passing by on the weekend and you're at pretty much exactly the same stage we are with ours! We'd had all our roofing delivered (colorbond in Monument) but no bricks until the New Year. Annoyingly we need to have a section of fence removed where our garage wall lay...
Awesome! Looks great guys! We were passing by on the weekend and you're at pretty much exactly the same stage we are wit...
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14 December 2015
Dec 14, 2015 11:17 am
Hey Matt, another neighbour. :z: You'll have to make a build thread for yourself too. Our noggins with nail blow outs now have another 3 or 4 nails in them to hold them in place. The knots - if they're in the little noggins, it's nothing to worry about. They only keep the frame spaces and keep it f...
Thanks Synde, Our's are the same with the extra nails so it's good to know the knots hopefuly aren't too much of an iss...
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13 December 2015
Dec 13, 2015 5:14 pm
Hey snyde, First time I've looked at homeone and wish I'd seen it way sooner! So many good tips and hints! We settled on a block in Stage 9 of Mandalay back in March and only just started building with Eight Homes. We're at pretty much exactly the same point you guys are, although our windows and sl...
Hey snyde, First time I've looked at homeone and wish I'd seen it way sooner! So many good tips and hints! We settled on...
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