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12 December 2016
Dec 12, 2016 12:01 pm
Bit hard from the pic - but my guess is Vic Ash/Tassie Oak. Would sand up a treat - very light in colour
Bit hard from the pic - but my guess is Vic Ash/Tassie Oak. Would sand up a treat - very light in colour
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10 November 2015
Nov 10, 2015 7:30 pm
The hardwood floor over the top will get rid of the squeaks for you
The hardwood floor over the top will get rid of the squeaks for you
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5 February 2015
Feb 05, 2015 8:25 pm
How wide and how thick?
How wide and how thick?
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24 January 2015
Jan 24, 2015 6:59 pm
Depends on the finish and the quality of the job - at $20 per hour its gonna happen pretty quick. 2-3 days. Yeh, Alex Lind have a lot of contacts in the industry and would point you in the right direction
Depends on the finish and the quality of the job - at $20 per hour its gonna happen pretty quick. 2-3 days. Yeh, Alex Li...
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22 January 2015
Jan 22, 2015 8:17 am
Sydney is probably the cheapest city in Australia to get floors sanded and finished. Somewhere around $20 per sqm - maybe around $1400. Contact the guys at Alex Lind, they should be able to point you in the right direction
Sydney is probably the cheapest city in Australia to get floors sanded and finished. Somewhere around $20 per sqm - mayb...
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7 December 2014
Dec 07, 2014 10:09 am
I would be inclined to run the boards away from the entrance and keep that flowing into the dining/lounge area. But also consider running the boards down the hallway perpendicular to the entrance boards. It helps delineate the areas and lengthens the rooms. Personally I think boards in the hallway i...
I would be inclined to run the boards away from the entrance and keep that flowing into the dining/lounge area. But also...
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15 October 2014
Oct 15, 2014 7:54 pm
Dusty will look after you http://www.clintfudgefloorsanding.com.au/ The biggest variables on cost are the cost of the timber and the substrate the floor is going on to. High grade flooring is up to $100 per sqm, installation around $50 and finishing maybe $30 for a new floor.
Dusty will look after you http://www.clintfudgefloorsanding.com.au/ The biggest variables on cost are the cost of the ti...
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8 October 2014
Oct 08, 2014 6:44 pm
Very loosely there are 3 types of finishes/sealers you can be looking at. Assuming the stain the floor direct, then you can seal the floor with a Hardwax Oil, a Water based polyurethane or a Solvent based polyurethane. The Poly's tend to help 'pop' the stain a bit more, whereas the Hardwax Oils 'sit...
Very loosely there are 3 types of finishes/sealers you can be looking at. Assuming the stain the floor direct, then you ...
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8 October 2014
Oct 08, 2014 9:33 am
I'll drop into the last job and grab a few pics over the next day or so. A stained floor is where the floor is directly stained with a timber stain product. This is not a hard wearing or sustainable coat, primarily used to changed the colour of the timber. This is the most realistic look from the 's...
I'll drop into the last job and grab a few pics over the next day or so. A stained floor is where the floor is directly ...
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8 October 2014
Oct 08, 2014 8:15 am
I am right in the middle of staining a Cypress floor black. Following on from one i did about 2 weeks ago. I think they look special, but to get perfect is quite complicated. I did stain a Jarrah floor black about 5 years ago and it looked similar to the Cypress floors. I have been using Feast Watso...
I am right in the middle of staining a Cypress floor black. Following on from one i did about 2 weeks ago. I think they ...
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2 October 2014
Oct 02, 2014 8:32 pm
I specialise in installing hardwood floors only and have stayed away from pre-finished floors of any type. However we owned a house in Queanbeyan which had a cork floor in the kitchen and I really liked it. It wasn't quite as cold as the rest of the house (hardwood :) ) but more importantly it had a...
I specialise in installing hardwood floors only and have stayed away from pre-finished floors of any type. However we ow...
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24 September 2014
Sep 24, 2014 8:53 am
Actually it wasn't the explosion - it was the gas cloud of Methyl Isocyanate that killed people. The American Centre for Disease Control has reported 7 deaths directly attributed to Asthma related attacks triggered by exposure to isocyanate's. Saying isocyanates aren't responsible for death or injur...
Actually it wasn't the explosion - it was the gas cloud of Methyl Isocyanate that killed people. The American Centre for...
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20 September 2014
Sep 20, 2014 7:47 pm
Methyl Isocyanate was the chemical in the Bhopal disaster in 1984 that killed 3000+ people and caused around 4000 permanent injuries
Methyl Isocyanate was the chemical in the Bhopal disaster in 1984 that killed 3000+ people and caused around 4000 perman...
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18 September 2014
Sep 18, 2014 9:23 pm
Just to be clear on Isocyanates. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/isocyanates/index.html https://www.google.com.au/search?q=isocyanates+health+effects&oq=isocyanates&aqs=chrome.4.69i59l2j0l4.9980j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 Seems to be a lot of information on the health effect...
Just to be clear on Isocyanates. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/isocyanates/index.html https://www.google.com.au/search?q=iso...
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18 September 2014
Sep 18, 2014 7:48 pm
Go right ahead namtrak and post what you like........ No worries, I am happy to post what I have learnt and answer questions where possible. But I find the brow beating from some a bit boring TBH. I have a lot of friends in the industry who also swear by their preferred products, albiet solvent bas...
No worries, I am happy to post what I have learnt and answer questions where possible. But I find the brow beating from...
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18 September 2014
Sep 18, 2014 7:10 pm
I figured it would be nice to have a thread where someone in the industry could post some information about the finishes they use, and then they could maybe answer questions in a relatively objective environment. I had assumed that given there is already a surfeit of threads about alternative finish...
I figured it would be nice to have a thread where someone in the industry could post some information about the finishes...
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17 September 2014
Sep 17, 2014 9:54 am
Being in the industry for a long time I made a decision over 10 years ago to never use solvent/spirit based finishes because I didn't want to expose myself or my workers to the isocyanates that are there to assist in the drying of the finishes. And are still present about three times the amount of t...
Being in the industry for a long time I made a decision over 10 years ago to never use solvent/spirit based finishes bec...
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2 May 2014
May 02, 2014 1:04 pm
I don't like staining floors, if you're getting a floor installed - just get a darker timber. If you want to keep the colour of the timber use a water based product (eg Bona), the solvent based finishes (aside from being toxic) end up yellowing - like the picture, and you are only seeing the colour ...
I don't like staining floors, if you're getting a floor installed - just get a darker timber. If you want to keep the co...
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2 May 2014
May 02, 2014 1:01 pm
The treated pine battens are fine, I use them all the time. Less prone to termites than the hardwood battens. Just remember once you start cutting them you need to splash some preservative over the cuts. Likewise the hardwood battens are simple to fix into. Either way I wouldn't settle for 450 centr...
The treated pine battens are fine, I use them all the time. Less prone to termites than the hardwood battens. Just remem...
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20 October 2013
Oct 19, 2013 11:38 pm
I tend to use 20 litre buckets filled with water - I have used railway line offcuts as well - either way it needs to be heavy
I tend to use 20 litre buckets filled with water - I have used railway line offcuts as well - either way it needs to be ...
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