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Tom's Playroom
146 Posts

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Tom's Playroom
22 March 2011
Mar 22, 2011 6:49 pm
Hi there everyone. A enthusiast in Home Theatre design and construction from AVSforum.com in the USA came up with the following calculator for working out riser height. There are a number of variables which you should also consider, such as screen height, speaker placement etc. However, the calculat...
Hi there everyone. A enthusiast in Home Theatre design and construction from AVSforum.com in the USA came up with the fo...
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Tom's Playroom
22 March 2011
Mar 22, 2011 6:42 pm
Hi Bel, How are you? It has been ages and no I have not dropped off the face of this earth! So good to see that the house is coming along so well. Even now those Blackheaths are looking amazing. I have spent the last three weeks on my own journey...it's called the 'lets renovate and uncover issues t...
Hi Bel, How are you? It has been ages and no I have not dropped off the face of this earth! So good to see that the hous...
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Tom's Playroom
20 January 2011
Jan 20, 2011 9:00 am
Unfortunately in walls and ceilings are not particularly efficient unless they have a back box construction. Sorry Greg, but I don't agree with this statement. Going by all of the figures I've read, there are many In-walls and In-ceilings that have comparable sensitivity numbers (in some cases meas...
Sorry Greg, but I don't agree with this statement. Going by all of the figures I've read, there are many In-walls and In...
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Tom's Playroom
20 January 2011
Jan 20, 2011 8:35 am
Hi there Mike, In my readings, a number of the theatre builders in the USA are constructing 'hush boxes' around their ceiling mounted projectors in a black acoustically transparent material which allows better airflow around the projector. This tends to make it 'blend' into the roof a little better ...
Hi there Mike, In my readings, a number of the theatre builders in the USA are constructing 'hush boxes' around their ce...
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Tom's Playroom
17 January 2011
Jan 17, 2011 2:35 pm
Hi there, $1200 founds a bit rich, but I would need to know what you are getting for your money. Obviously you don't need the projector mount, so if the $1200 is just for installing the mount and running your supplied HDMI cable, I think that may be a little excessive. If they are completing all of ...
Hi there, $1200 founds a bit rich, but I would need to know what you are getting for your money. Obviously you don't nee...
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Tom's Playroom
16 January 2011
Jan 16, 2011 6:18 am
Hi there, you should be fine. Despite popular thinking, most damage to speakers is caused by a lack of amp power and not too much. You may need to consider the efficiency of the speakers. The more efficient they are, the louder they will play at a given power. Unfortunately in walls and ceilings are...
Hi there, you should be fine. Despite popular thinking, most damage to speakers is caused by a lack of amp power and not...
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Tom's Playroom
11 January 2011
Jan 11, 2011 3:15 pm
Just my two cents, but I agree with the keystoning side of things and the vibration issues associated with speakers in the vicinity of the projector. Most projectors these days have a very flexible vertical lens shift (approx 100% on some models) meaning that the projector can sit well above the cen...
Just my two cents, but I agree with the keystoning side of things and the vibration issues associated with speakers in t...
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Tom's Playroom
23 December 2010
Dec 23, 2010 7:34 pm
Hi Danrts, I think that if you are looking for a 5.1 or 7.1 system, I would be more inclined to go for cabinet speakers rather than in-wall speakers. Don't get me wrong, some in-walls are great and Speakercraft are among them, but they are always compromised in terms of efficiency, output and don't ...
Hi Danrts, I think that if you are looking for a 5.1 or 7.1 system, I would be more inclined to go for cabinet speakers ...
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Tom's Playroom
14 December 2010
Dec 14, 2010 7:03 pm
Hi Donnam, You are best to get at least two. Reason being is that the internet and entertainment are blending at a very fast rate. Many new TV's even have an internet port that will allow you to surf the web in your lounge room. You will also require an internet connection for many newer devices suc...
Hi Donnam, You are best to get at least two. Reason being is that the internet and entertainment are blending at a very ...
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Tom's Playroom
9 December 2010
Dec 09, 2010 7:31 pm
Hi there Rahadza, There is a great resource in the USA called AVSforum. You can get there by going to avsforum.com. It's all free and I have found some fantastic advice from like minded people. In any case, they have all of the calculations for riser heights here: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/show...
Hi there Rahadza, There is a great resource in the USA called AVSforum. You can get there by going to avsforum.com. It's...
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Tom's Playroom
2 December 2010
Dec 02, 2010 4:25 am
Thanks Ted, I knew that you would chime in with the eloquent and intelligent response! Cheers and seasons greetings to all. Greg.
Thanks Ted, I knew that you would chime in with the eloquent and intelligent response! Cheers and seasons greetings to a...
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Tom's Playroom
1 December 2010
Dec 01, 2010 9:19 pm
Hi there Jarrod, Hi mate. Don't pretend to know everything about soundproofing but I do know that the following is going to work best for you. (1) Don't worry too much about spending all of the extra money on acoustic gyprock if you are contemplating using Green Glue. (2) Standard fibreglass batts w...
Hi there Jarrod, Hi mate. Don't pretend to know everything about soundproofing but I do know that the following is going...
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Tom's Playroom
30 November 2010
Nov 30, 2010 9:39 am
Hi there, Rodda is right on this one. I think that a DLP projector may be a bit of a squeeze due to their lower flexibility in placement options. I would go for an LCD model. They are all pretty good right now. You have not mentioned your budget???? I use a Mitsubishi HC6800 and it is a fine project...
Hi there, Rodda is right on this one. I think that a DLP projector may be a bit of a squeeze due to their lower flexibil...
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Tom's Playroom
12 November 2010
Nov 12, 2010 10:13 pm
Hi there, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....It's a duck. Probably a **! Check out the link below for more info... http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1562659 Cheers Greg
Hi there, If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....It's a duck. Probably ...
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Tom's Playroom
11 November 2010
Nov 10, 2010 11:16 pm
Hi there Toohey, Looks like you are going to have a nice space there. 6m x 4 metres is certainly a good space to install a very nice 5.1 or a 7.1 system. I guess the most important question that you need to clarify is whether you want a media room or whether you want a dedicated Home theatre? I medi...
Hi there Toohey, Looks like you are going to have a nice space there. 6m x 4 metres is certainly a good space to install...
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Tom's Playroom
7 November 2010
Nov 07, 2010 9:52 pm
Nice summary, Greg. In addition to the clips offering a reduction in contact points (less conduction), the decoupling also immediately lowers the resonance point of the assembly. This is directly related to a better ability to control low frequencies. Hi Ted, Thanks for that. I knew I forgot to men...
Hi Ted, Thanks for that. I knew I forgot to mention something. See, I don't waste my time lurking around AVS Best of lu...
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Tom's Playroom
3 November 2010
Nov 03, 2010 9:47 pm
So any updates Greg :D Can you post you plas for us (or email them to me :D ) Hi Bel, I spoke with our CSM Belinda, who is getting some brick and roof tile options priced up. Actually like the Orpheus bricks which are in the standard Whitsunday range. Plans should be finished late this week with an...
Hi Bel, I spoke with our CSM Belinda, who is getting some brick and roof tile options priced up. Actually like the Orph...
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Tom's Playroom
2 November 2010
Nov 02, 2010 8:47 pm
Hi there, Soundproofing really can become quite expensive depending upon the results required. I will be building a dedicated Home Theatre in our new home and have invested in a double isolation system that will all but eliminate sound passing from the room. It is easiest to think of sound like wate...
Hi there, Soundproofing really can become quite expensive depending upon the results required. I will be building a dedi...
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Tom's Playroom
2 November 2010
Nov 02, 2010 8:30 pm
Frame is looking great Bel. The big question remains..... do you get that prized water view from the balcony???? Keep up the progress and crack that whip! Greg
Frame is looking great Bel. The big question remains..... do you get that prized water view from the balcony???? Keep up...
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Tom's Playroom
22 October 2010
Oct 22, 2010 10:01 pm
HiYa Bel, I always was a sucker for a girl with a nice looking frame! Congratulations. How are WH going now? Cheers Greg
HiYa Bel, I always was a sucker for a girl with a nice looking frame! Congratulations. How are WH going now? Cheers Greg
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