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10 September 2019
Sep 10, 2019 4:21 pm
The Freedom s-fold curtains only draw one way, so if you want them to draw to either side you will need 2 tracks anyway.
The Freedom s-fold curtains only draw one way, so if you want them to draw to either side you will need 2 tracks anyway.
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2 April 2019
Apr 02, 2019 3:33 pm
Shaving in the shower, what a terrible waste of water.
Shaving in the shower, what a terrible waste of water.
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2 April 2019
Apr 02, 2019 3:26 pm
We have waterfall on one end of our bench and a cantilever on the other end. Is that something you could do? Otherwise, I'd leave it as it is.
We have waterfall on one end of our bench and a cantilever on the other end. Is that something you could do? Otherwise, ...
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18 March 2019
Mar 18, 2019 1:41 pm
My country house and city apartment were finished about the same time. The Silestone benchtop in the apartment already had a chip in it on handover, the edges seem quite fragile. The Stone Ambassador benchtop in the house was (and still is) perfect.
My country house and city apartment were finished about the same time. The Silestone benchtop in the apartment already h...
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5 March 2019
Mar 05, 2019 12:47 pm
Hi Michelle, https://forum.homeone.com.au/u/85172_1551145755.jpg What are your thoughts on a print we are looking at for the end of our entry? TIA I like that a lot, although don't hang it that high (unless your ceilings are ultra low!).
I like that a lot, although don't hang it that high (unless your ceilings are ultra low!).
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5 March 2019
Mar 05, 2019 12:42 pm
We have a mirror splashback in our country house, it was the only choice as it reflects a spectacular view. I love to sit on the end of the island and can see the view in all directions. It's not that hard to keep clean, as opposed to a window which is getting dirty from the outside as well. There's...
We have a mirror splashback in our country house, it was the only choice as it reflects a spectacular view. I love to si...
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5 March 2019
Mar 05, 2019 12:29 pm
If you want to reconfigure it get them to leave the standard fit out altogether. It's usually just a shelf and a single rail that is too low to double rail underneath anyway. I have one side double railed for tops, jackets etc and handbags (I hang my larger handbags from s hooks on a rail), one end ...
If you want to reconfigure it get them to leave the standard fit out altogether. It's usually just a shelf and a single ...
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24 January 2019
Jan 24, 2019 1:08 pm
Your council will have a requirement of what type of system you can install. We have an aerated waste water treatment system, which discharges fully treated water to a disbursement field and does not require pumping out. The waste is broken down by bacteria inside the tank so you have to be careful ...
Your council will have a requirement of what type of system you can install. We have an aerated waste water treatment sy...
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13 December 2018
Dec 13, 2018 1:07 pm
We've just done this in our new apartment, we did away with the laundry tub in the 'cupboard' for the wm/dryer, the w/m (and the condenser dryer) drains straight into the outlet from the sink. We did however have to install a double sink in the kitchen.
We've just done this in our new apartment, we did away with the laundry tub in the 'cupboard' for the wm/dryer, the w/m ...
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5 October 2018
Oct 05, 2018 11:14 am
Our house build is almost done, the actual work will be finished next week. Our current house settles in 3 weeks on Friday so I think we will just miss handover by the time permits are issued, etc. I know builders don't like doing this, but has anyone ever asked if they could store things in the gar...
Our house build is almost done, the actual work will be finished next week. Our current house settles in 3 weeks on Frid...
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29 May 2018
May 29, 2018 4:10 pm
Yes, as we have no town water our builders brought in 2 x 5,000l temp tanks. They have been there since January, bricks are all done and acid washed. There is some water in one tank, and at least a quarter in the other.
Yes, as we have no town water our builders brought in 2 x 5,000l temp tanks. They have been there since January, bricks ...
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8 May 2018
May 08, 2018 12:57 pm
I've had undermount sinks in a stone benchtop for 15 years. They aren't big sinks so sometimes pots scrape the edges getting them in and out. Never had a chip, only scuff marks which are easily removed with a magic eraser.
I've had undermount sinks in a stone benchtop for 15 years. They aren't big sinks so sometimes pots scrape the edges get...
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27 February 2018
Feb 27, 2018 3:42 pm
We're having a waterfall on one end and a cantilever on the other, 20mm which is a more modern look.
We're having a waterfall on one end and a cantilever on the other, 20mm which is a more modern look.
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14 February 2018
Feb 14, 2018 11:35 am
We are in the process of a new build with a polished concrete floor. The slab has been recently laid and due to problems with it probably being let to cure too quickly, it's badly cracked. The builders want the option of filling the cracks but all my research seems to suggest that the repaired crack...
We are in the process of a new build with a polished concrete floor. The slab has been recently laid and due to problems...
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12 December 2017
Dec 12, 2017 12:50 pm
We are building a house, small independent project builder. We are at the stage of excavations and boxing up for the slab to be poured, but I have changed my mind about a couple of elements. Nothing structural, I want a bigger mirror and to extend the feature tiling in the bathroom, and a full tile...
We are building a house, small independent project builder. We are at the stage of excavations and boxing up for the sla...
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25 October 2017
Oct 25, 2017 1:02 pm
I painted a feature tile strip on the walls of my bathroom, and the floor. After 5 years there are a few chips in the floor from dropping things but it's still looking pretty good. The only thing to be careful of is cleaning, you can't scrub it hard or use abrasive cleaners.
I painted a feature tile strip on the walls of my bathroom, and the floor. After 5 years there are a few chips in the fl...
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25 October 2017
Oct 25, 2017 12:52 pm
Providing it's not the only bathroom in the house, I prefer the toilet in the bathroom. I like the 'one stop' approach. If you're going to separate the toilet, the sink should be in the toilet, otherwise as mentioned to by a PP it's unhygienic having to open and close doors without washing hands. Al...
Providing it's not the only bathroom in the house, I prefer the toilet in the bathroom. I like the 'one stop' approach. ...
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4 October 2017
Oct 04, 2017 3:25 pm
That absolutely sucks, how disappointing and frustrating for you. We are having polished concrete in our upcoming build and it's a very important element for us. I absolutely loathe tiles in living areas so that would not be an option for me. Have a good think about the current concrete finish, if i...
That absolutely sucks, how disappointing and frustrating for you. We are having polished concrete in our upcoming build ...
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6 April 2017
Apr 06, 2017 9:20 pm
We're having a mirror splashback. It reflects a rather spectacular view so there was no other choice for us.
We're having a mirror splashback. It reflects a rather spectacular view so there was no other choice for us.
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23 March 2017
Mar 23, 2017 11:11 am
I'm using the same tile but in different colours in the ensuite and bathroom, with the same feature tile that compliments both tiles. The grey is slightly darker in tone but the ensuite is larger than the bathroom so that should work out. It will give a cohesive but individual look to each room. The...
I'm using the same tile but in different colours in the ensuite and bathroom, with the same feature tile that compliment...
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