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8 February 2021
Feb 08, 2021 5:03 pm
If I were you I would speak to one of the house relocation companies, there is one around Caboolture. Ask about their process regarding setting up relocated Queenslanders/Colonials etc, they may know or be able to point you in the right direction of contractors that can assess your place. We did get...
If I were you I would speak to one of the house relocation companies, there is one around Caboolture. Ask about their pr...
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8 February 2021
Feb 08, 2021 4:57 pm
We had the argon filled Velox skylights in another property, and the blinds were an optional extra, they blocked the majority of the light out. Thats a difficult one to address, is it possible to place a similar louvre style shutter in the boxing you have there?
We had the argon filled Velox skylights in another property, and the blinds were an optional extra, they blocked the maj...
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8 February 2021
Feb 08, 2021 4:50 pm
Hi Kate, I feel your confusion, as that confronted us years ago - and we just bit the bullet and rendered the whole thing. Ours was a 17 x 12 house, and that really lifted it from looking very dowdy and dated, to looking reasonably clean and modern(ish). Render includes a tint usually, so from memor...
Hi Kate, I feel your confusion, as that confronted us years ago - and we just bit the bullet and rendered the whole thin...
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2 March 2020
Mar 02, 2020 2:29 pm
Apologies to the online world.... I forgot totally about this thread 8 years ago lol. For anybody interested in the performance/reliability of the 'real' GLEM dual fuel ovens, as opposed to the HN etc variant, we purchased an ML96GGESI2 in 2011, which makes it 9 going on 10 years old. In short - it ...
Apologies to the online world.... I forgot totally about this thread 8 years ago lol. For anybody interested in the perf...
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10 March 2012
Mar 10, 2012 9:39 pm
You are very wise to not proceed if you had ANY doubts! Anyway, if you do decide to pursue other non freehold properties I should add that there are also potential issues with services that should be taken into account - ie where are the electricity lines, who's poles are they sitting on, who is res...
You are very wise to not proceed if you had ANY doubts! Anyway, if you do decide to pursue other non freehold properties...
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28 February 2012
Feb 28, 2012 10:48 pm
Hi ashilleong, how did you go? Just saw this thread, and though it is probably too late but thought i would put in my 2cents. We owned an acreage property on group title in a 7 property body corporate, subdivision of large properties makes this a fairly standard arrangement for a Brisbane acreage. M...
Hi ashilleong, how did you go? Just saw this thread, and though it is probably too late but thought i would put in my 2c...
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19 January 2012
Jan 19, 2012 10:12 am
BTW - while i was at Bunnings yesterday i noticed they sell 100mm pvc domed vent caps, which are basically 100mm tall with a domed top surrounded with wire mesh inserts. These combined with around a 150 mm of 100mmPVC pipe could also do a good job venting any heat and reducing light loss in areas wh...
BTW - while i was at Bunnings yesterday i noticed they sell 100mm pvc domed vent caps, which are basically 100mm tall wi...
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19 January 2012
Jan 19, 2012 10:03 am
Unfortunately our requirement was for lighting throughout the house, and we wanted to be able to feature artwork etc - so gimballed lights were essential. Seems to me that for minimal additional manufacturing cost, a properly sealed dome reflector design would make a huge difference to efficiency, ...
Re: artwork; that was the reason we went with some downlights, but how good is the rendition of CFL? I was advised by a...
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17 January 2012
Jan 17, 2012 1:45 pm
Over at * http://www.*.com/f195/downlight-covers-77709/ there was a suggestion of using 100mm PVC pipe with flywire glued to it... innovative and thrifty solution. Most of the mitts seem to cost as much as the light fittings!
Over at * http://www.*.com/f195/downl ... ers-77709/ there was a suggestion of using 100mm PVC pipe with flywire glued t...
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17 January 2012
Jan 17, 2012 1:37 pm
Thats pretty much what i visualised you were using - i'm sure that setup would work well for you. Unfortunately our requirement was for lighting throughout the house, and we wanted to be able to feature artwork etc - so gimballed lights were essential. Seems to me that for minimal additional manufac...
Thats pretty much what i visualised you were using - i'm sure that setup would work well for you. Unfortunately our requ...
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16 January 2012
Jan 15, 2012 11:22 pm
A false ceiling for downlights? Ours were considered stubby at 140mm high, even that would equate to at least a 6" drop in ceiling height, which negates the benefit of using flush lighting. I didn't see the 2) option when we were assessing different light fittings, the only sealed units were fo...
A false ceiling for downlights? Ours were considered stubby at 140mm high, even that would equate to at least a 6 drop i...
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12 January 2012
Jan 12, 2012 12:29 pm
Probably a bit late to add comments to this thread...anyway here are a few things anybody else wanting to go for CFL downlights should know. Around 18 months ago we completed a full reno on a house with low 2380 ceilings (lost a little after we put in an overlaid floor), dumping the existing low han...
Probably a bit late to add comments to this thread...anyway here are a few things anybody else wanting to go for CFL dow...
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22 March 2011
Mar 22, 2011 8:41 pm
Yes, you are dead right. Further investigation found that the so called Glem was actually more Emilia than Glem, DIxxx models are in the Emilia range. Both are from the same factory, just one with lower specifications than the other. I find this HN specific build frustrating as all the online info y...
Yes, you are dead right. Further investigation found that the so called Glem was actually more Emilia than Glem, DIxxx m...
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22 March 2011
Mar 22, 2011 11:08 am
hmmm - just noticed the age of this thread... According to the catalogue it is from March to May 2011. Did anybody buy one of these last year? How is it going?
hmmm - just noticed the age of this thread... According to the catalogue it is from March to May 2011. Did anybody buy o...
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22 March 2011
Mar 22, 2011 11:05 am
I'm looking at this package too, question is what exactly is that model stove? When I look at the Glem site there is no such model, their dual fuels Bienergy selects are in the Monolithic range - all have ML prefix?? So the one i was looking at was the Glem ML96GGESI2 while HN is selling a Glem DI96...
I'm looking at this package too, question is what exactly is that model stove? When I look at the Glem site there is no ...
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12 April 2010
Apr 12, 2010 12:33 pm
You are us NOW! We have a very similar situation, we bought on location - 6 acres with a nice coastal view in a great position, except the house was an A grade dump, a very tired brick veneer 25 year old house with budget fittings and very low ceilings. The additional money we spent on acquiring the...
You are us NOW We have a very similar situation, we bought on location - 6 acres with a nice coastal view in a great pos...
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12 April 2010
Apr 12, 2010 11:38 am
I wonder about the safety aspect of a hardwired heated towel rail. We are currently renovating an old house, when we install our new bathroom rail it will definitely be running from a standard gpo. I have had experience with a Scope swing out unit that spread its casing at the end plug exposing the ...
I wonder about the safety aspect of a hardwired heated towel rail. We are currently renovating an old house, when we ins...
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10 November 2009
Nov 10, 2009 4:05 pm
Thanks for the info, much appreciated - will give burns a call to see whether they can offer a competitive rate. :z: Its most difficult comparing rates, so dependant on quality of fit. I wish builders would just quote their lowest p/sqmetre rate with the most basic fit to avoid the confusion! ::worn...
Thanks for the info, much appreciated - will give burns a call to see whether they can offer a competitive rate. Its mos...
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8 November 2009
Nov 08, 2009 9:45 pm
Hi All, Just had a rough quote from a builder for an extension to a property we are thinking of buying in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The house is on a concrete slab, with besser block walls. We planned to add an entertainment room and a second bathroom to the rear, all up around 35 sq metres. Th...
Hi All, Just had a rough quote from a builder for an extension to a property we are thinking of buying in the Sunshine C...
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5 November 2009
Nov 05, 2009 2:29 pm
Shintaro the history of the 60s cult hit "The Samurai" Yeh! - watched it entirely by accident, the PVR was recording that timeslot weekly as i noticed they have some excellent documetaries. I remember the show well from the late 60s, though i didnt realise the show have become such a phen...
Yeh! - watched it entirely by accident, the PVR was recording that timeslot weekly as i noticed they have some excellen...
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