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Joined 18 August 2008
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6 December 2008
Dec 06, 2008 5:09 pm
thank you VERY much davinci for your advise - really appreciate - have a great weekend
thank you VERY much davinci for your advise - really appreciate - have a great weekend
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6 December 2008
Dec 06, 2008 7:58 am
that sounds pretty reasonable - my concern would be, will the sealant make the driveway slippery in the wet -- this is a VERY steep short drive -- are there particular sealants that don't get slippery that you know of?
that sounds pretty reasonable - my concern would be, will the sealant make the driveway slippery in the wet -- this is a...
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5 December 2008
Dec 05, 2008 8:26 pm
thanks so much for you replies. when we originally had the drive done (council done - long story!) it did bleed salts, but this isn't the current issue i have. this really is a all-over consistent 'bleaching' like a fade - to my female eyes it looks as if it needs some lovely moisturisor on it's dry...
thanks so much for you replies. when we originally had the drive done (council done - long story!) it did bleed salts, b...
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29 November 2008
Nov 29, 2008 10:11 pm
that's terrible - defineately looks like a real risk there -- maybe ask for more senior person at council?
that's terrible - defineately looks like a real risk there -- maybe ask for more senior person at council?
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24 November 2008
Nov 24, 2008 9:06 pm
hi all - we have a very steep, short driveway that's only a few months old. it has grey tint through it, but looks awful (it's gone pale-like) and we want to coat it with something that will make it look wet, but grip is really important. can anyone share any products that they've used (preferably D...
hi all - we have a very steep, short driveway that's only a few months old. it has grey tint through it, but looks awful...
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15 November 2008
Nov 15, 2008 8:34 pm
have a look at this supplier in bayswater (outer east melbourne) - they supply ethically sourced merbau http://www.outdoortimber.com.au/
have a look at this supplier in bayswater (outer east melbourne) - they supply ethically sourced merbau http://www.outdo...
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12 October 2008
Oct 12, 2008 7:31 pm
ebay would be good - i've heard that the demolition guys' quote is based on them recovering stuff before demolishing, though - maybe other forum members could comment on this
ebay would be good - i've heard that the demolition guys' quote is based on them recovering stuff before demolishing, th...
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9 September 2008
Sep 09, 2008 10:16 pm
thanks for sharing - we'd build with lifestyle, so maybe that might be good. i looked on your blog - house is looking lovely -- what bricks did you use? and what morter/finish -- i can't believe i'm interested in bricks and morter colour etc!!! :o
thanks for sharing - we'd build with lifestyle, so maybe that might be good. i looked on your blog - house is looking lo...
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9 September 2008
Sep 09, 2008 9:39 pm
we're also very keen to build with PD - i gather from the sales people that PD Prestige and PD Lifestyle are very competitive and are completely separate. are some of the complaints regarding PD focused more on Prestige, or they equally valid for PD Lifestyle? do they use the same pool of tradies, o...
we're also very keen to build with PD - i gather from the sales people that PD Prestige and PD Lifestyle are very compet...
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6 September 2008
Sep 06, 2008 11:51 pm
for EXTREMELY well priced plants (including native), try Wantirna Market (sunday mornings) -- there are many plant stalls there -- i'm amazed at what fantastic natives i pick up - all $4 - i've seen exact same plants at kuranga for $12+ . if you're in the southeast, just pop on the new eastlink and ...
for EXTREMELY well priced plants (including native), try Wantirna Market (sunday mornings) -- there are many plant stall...
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6 September 2008
Sep 06, 2008 11:47 pm
i used to be a reblocker for many years (many moons ago!). are you talking about redoing the stumps under the floor or under the walls? if it's the floors it's a matter of jacking it up slightly then packing the gap with cement sheeting or other timber cut to bring to fill the gap. if it's under the...
i used to be a reblocker for many years (many moons ago!). are you talking about redoing the stumps under the floor or u...
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6 September 2008
Sep 06, 2008 11:41 pm
we used solver on our ourdoor steps (their deck paint) and it was TERRIBLE -- peeled, chipped -- I would never, ever touch it again. i did other stairs around the corner at the same time in berger and they have weathered fantastic. i now have to remove it all and redo it :evil:
we used solver on our ourdoor steps (their deck paint) and it was TERRIBLE -- peeled, chipped -- I would never, ever tou...
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6 September 2008
Sep 06, 2008 11:33 pm
i think for a really modern look, flat doors (that is no panels at all) with squarer handles and extended door height is great.
i think for a really modern look, flat doors (that is no panels at all) with squarer handles and extended door height is...
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28 August 2008
Aug 28, 2008 9:14 pm
try http://www.outvogue.com.au/ or http://www.theletterboxshop.com.au/
try http://www.outvogue.com.au/ or http://www.theletterboxshop.com.au/
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27 August 2008
Aug 27, 2008 7:52 pm
wow - we went to ballarat and saw mcmaster homes (http://www.mcmasterhomes.com.au) and were so impressed - a beautiful very modern home. i think they might only build in ballarat though (bummer) - has anyone built with this company here in melbourne or ballarat?
wow - we went to ballarat and saw mcmaster homes ( www.mcmasterhomes.com.au ) and were so impressed - a beautiful very m...
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25 August 2008
Aug 25, 2008 9:46 pm
thanks for that lyn .. yes, i'd be wanting to increase the insulation too - thanks for the link. :wink:
thanks for that lyn .. yes, i'd be wanting to increase the insulation too - thanks for the link.
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25 August 2008
Aug 25, 2008 9:25 pm
i'm a little confused - i had read somewhere else on the forum that other PD people had made window changes etc and to their shock had to pay $1K+ to have the 5* rating with these changes. can someone pls tell me, if you make window changes etc does PD have to pay for the extra insultation? thanks i...
i'm a little confused - i had read somewhere else on the forum that other PD people had made window changes etc and to t...
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